perm filename FAILED.TXT[NOT,DBL]2 blob sn#226056 filedate 1976-07-20 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Thesis reference

Thanks  for  the  Koppelman  paper;  it  was  relevant  and  will  be
referenced in my thesis.

I'm referencing  your review of Weizenbaum's book,  but all I have is
the on-line  file containing  it. I  heard it  was for  the New  York
Times; could you please send me the publication date.

A later version of my thesis is imminent. If you have any comments on
the  first draft  (which I believe  Ed gave  you), please communicate
them soon.

Let's try to get together  sometime during this week, or  else during
the period Aug 1-12.  After that, I'll be leaving for Carnegie.

Doug Lenat